Monday, September 14, 2015

Tasting Day: Watermelon Wheat

Recipe and Brewday here.

Quite easily, this isn’t one of the better beers I’ve brewed and tasted thus far!! From the image below, it is easy to think I’m joking, but I’m not.

The beer pours with a beautiful blonde color and a quick thick head. That head sticks around for some time and if observed closely, the lacing on the glass is good too. In fact, unlike some of my other low gravity beers, the head does stick around longer and even when it looks like its gone, the head is still around the edges of the glass.

On the nose, there is a fairly fresh, pronounced watermelon aroma and that almost instantly changes to a certain dank aroma. This unwanted dank, vegetal aroma is completely overwhelming and changes your perception of the beer almost instantly. I have figured out why this happened: I worked quickly with the watermelon and may have gotten some of the white pith in the puree and I may have left it longer than I wanted in the secondary.

This is a fairly light bodied beer where the wheat stands out and (unfortunately) the watermelon dankness stands out even more. This is a perfect beer to drink on a warm day and if I were to chug it down quickly enough, I wouldn’t notice any of the aromas at all. But being a brewer, I have to take a whiff of it and describe the aromas and when that happens, the look on my face is good enough to tell others a bit about the beer if we had a group tasting.

Per se, the beer isn’t bad. I’ve had worse beer so this wouldn’t be bad enough to give one an upset tummy but the beer wouldn’t be classified as good either.

Will I brew this beer again? Now that I have identified the reasons why that dank, vegetal aroma and flavor exists in the beer, I will brew it again and perhaps add watermelon to some of my other low gravity beers too.

All said and done, I wouldn’t think of sharing this beer with anyone unless they really, really want it.

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